Chunky Monkey goes to the doctor

Sep 22, 2006 09:52

Noah is two weeks old today! He's already been to the pediatrician twice since he was born.  All around a healthy baby and the dr. says he looks great, but he does have a few "defects".  Here's the update.

September 13, 2006 ~ 5 days old

Noah lost a little bit of weight since leaving the hospital, but was still an impressive 9lbs. 9½oz.  The dr. said his circumcision was healing properly.  He has a tiny bump on his left ear that's like a cyst, but evidently that's part of him and he'll always have it.  (I actually have a tiny one as well, as does my dad.)

The main thing that worried me is the dr. said he has an umbilical (bellybutton) hernia.  It's where the umbilical cord was attached to his bellybutton and the muscles have not grown back together.  Anyway, he says it should be completely healed by the time he enters Kindergarten and should not require surgery.  However, he does have a major outtie right now and will probably always have one.  It looks odd...kind of like the opening of a balloon where it's all rolled up, only thicker.  The dr. says it doesn't hurt him and shouldn't effect his eating or bowel movements or anything like that, so that's nice to know.

September 20, 2006 ~ 12 days old

Noah is now 10lbs. 5oz. and 22" long!!!  That means since birth he's gained 9oz. and grown an inch.  He's in the 90th percentile for both weight and length.  That's my little chunky monkey!  The dr. said his cord was about to fall off and sure enough, it did a few hours later during a diaper change.  I asked again about the hernia and he said we'd be able to tell more once the cord was gone.  Maybe by the time we return for his 2 month visit we can see if he's healing properly.  Noah has a little red mark on his left eyelid we originally thought was a scratch, but hasn't gone away.  The dr. said it was from the delivery and some people call marks like that "angel kisses".  (JJ actually has one in between his eyes that still pops up sometimes when he's hot.)  Otherwise, everything else looked great!
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