Sep 21, 2004 16:44
Yippee! Those tests are finally all out of the way. It’s nice to bask in the glow after taking a test for a class your not so confidante in. After all, it’s the longest possible time before the next test and that’s always nice to think about. So I’ve got organic lecture next then the organic lecture discussion right afterwards. All my classes aren’t over until about 8:15 or so. I think I’ll go out and get McDevils tonight like I’ve been doing lately. I get out so late and I have such a long way to go to get home, I would rather get something to eat before I get home. I usually eat before my first class on Tuesdays at around 10:30, then I fast until 8:15 when I get out of my last class for the day. Tuesdays are my long day. I think it would do me good to have burgers and fries to look forward to while I’m trudging to and fro from classes. I think I’ll take a while to look around the internet till organic. Ah! Its so nice to not have to worry about the test any more. I guess its on to worrying about the next one. ^_^