I like this idea of uniting people who share a common bond of being bullied at one time or another. Unfortunately, I'm sure there are a lot of us out there. I can remember just about every time I was bullied in my life. It’s not something you forget that easily. It even seems as though these unpleasant memories seem to last longer and can be more vividly recalled then happier memories of the same time frame. I don’t think bulling should be passed off idly, as it seems to be in schools nowadays and when I was in grade schools. Once a kid figures out they can get away with something then they are so much more likely to do it again and again, even if afterwards they get reprimanded.
I will not stand for this
Everyone Feels This Pain
Show your support I can remember so clearly how horrid my 7th and 8th grade years were. Before that I had been pretty much a prep and a goodie-two-shoes who hung out with the other 'cool' kids. But when I started sitting with some other kids at lunch once and a while, the 'cool' kids gave me and ultimatum. Them or us. I figured it was better to be with a smaller crowed of people who accept you for who you are and don’t make you choose like that then to be with people who are going to try to dictate your every move. I'm glad I made my choice, but after that I was completely segregated from my old friends and avoided like the plague. I had my better friends in some of my classes so I could be with them some time, but for most of my classes I sat at my own desk and didn’t talk to anyone except the teacher. Why talk to people when the only response you'll get is mean looks and snapish cruel comments? I don’t even remember their names. I made it a point to forget about them when I was home. I was miserable. I was used to being with everyone and having a good time, the constant criticism and underhanded bullying really got to me inside, though I doubt they could see it outwardly. Eventually I just isolated myself away from most of my friends and read books all day and didn’t associate with anyone at school anymore until about the 10th grade. That’s when I met my best friend through high school, Amanda. She got me to come out of my shell and loosen up a little. She helped me make more friends in high school and become better at dealing with people on a one to one bases. But that was just her way. People flock to her in droves. She is such a people person. I could never be that personable.
But the greatest thing that has happened to me to help me to see the potential worth in people are two people in my life.
kurohyousuperelectraMeeting them in real life has helped me to become less of an introvert and more willing to go out and take the risk at making new friends. I don’t think the repercussions of bullying ever go away. I'll always be overly cautious and weary of other people. I don’t really even like people, to be honest. Working at McDonalds is literally hell on earth for me, though they tell me I work well with people. My bullying experiences have left me jaded, cynical and overly critical of nearly every human being on this earth. In contrast, I often find myself being overly forgiving and lenient to people who don’t deserve it. I think that is my attempt to fight the urges to be just as mean to other people as they have been to me, and I know that is wrong. I don't often talk about my past exsperiances like this, but I find it helps to relate with people and I hope my experiences help someone else, too. I whole-heartedly support this cause.
I will not stand for this
Everyone Feels This Pain
Show your support On a side note, all of my inhibitions fall apart when I drive. As
kurohyou can contest to, I'm a real bitch to people when I drive. So be it. That will just have to be one of my vices.