Mar 06, 2004 19:25
Welp, as the subject states. Yes that says it all. Man, you know you are desperate to avoid homework when you wash your car to have an excuse not to do it. He, thats what I did after work today. Also, the hot wire was off for some reason so I walked the whole fence to see what might be grounding it but I didn't find the cause. I did find some poor lizard who was near the water trouf. Its tail was in the water and I guess its head must have touched the hot wire when it was on. ZZzzzzap! I felt bad for it. Its little eyes where missing. Not to be grose but I think they may have exsploded. Hmmm, poor thing. I have a soft spot in my heart for lizards. Anyway, washing my car was fun! I was going to put on some tunes but I decided not to. There was a mocking bird just singing its heart out in a near by tree and I found that more entertaining to listen to. I think I got pretty deep in my thinking. I was thinking about all sorts of out there subjects as I scubbed the car. Incedently, there seems to be little blue smugges on the white of my care. Very faint, but they look like bruses, lol! I thought that was funny. But I feed the cow. Hmmm, I never fixed the hot wire. I hope they dont get loose. I'm on my own tonight. I wouldnt want to have to round them up on my own. *shivers Oh, yeah, I forgot evey think I was thinking about. It kinda amuses me. Its like I was in a wakeing dream. The only iteruption was that creepy guy from next door coming over to talk about gas prices going up. I gave him some eggs to make him go. Oh, I was wondering what I was going to do this week. Its spring break so I found out on thursday as I'm always the last to know these importand things. I think I'll stay over at home most of the week to do my 6000 work report on Babylon but I would love to to to Kurohyou's and Superelectra's house on Sunday to Monday mid day if they dont mind. I just miss you guys. I haven't seen you in a while. If I come over tomorrow I won't have any school work to worry about so we can just have fun fun fun! Let me know if you see this in time, bye everone!