Terry Fox Run '06

Sep 11, 2006 13:15

It's almost that time of year again.. Time for the Terry Fox Run!

This year, the run is on 17 September 2006. That is THIS SUNDAY!
I've started my goal at $1000. Last year, it was $500, and I met it! Hopefully this year I can go even further!

Cancer has personally touched my family far too many times. I lost my grandfather a couple of years ago. This has greatly affected me and changed my life. My family also lost a very close friend to the disease. And recently, an even closer friend has been diagnosed with cancer and he is going through the unfriendly process of chemotherapy. Without donations and support from the community, treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery could not be possible.
This is a terrible disease that too many people in this world are suffering from. It seems the more we grow in this world, the more people we learn of who have it. But the more we raise the sooner we can find a cure!

Online pledge donations can be done here.
If you would like to pledge for me in person, I'm sure we can arrange a time and place to meet.
Or, if you would like to do the run with me, that would be great!
Tell your friends and families! Let's see how much we can raise to fight such an awful disease!

Like I said, the run is THIS SUNDAY 17 September and it is located at Rotary Park in Ajax, Ontario.
It's 10km long... So that's pretty long!

Hope to hear from everybody... I'll keep you updated with how much I am raising!
To date, I have raised $240. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far!
I keep forgetting to mention in my previous e-mails that I am going to be matching the highest donaton - so far, that is $60.

Thank you again, everyone!
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