Alternate Title: Girl on a Motorcycle
Alternate Title: La motocyclette
Alternate Title: Naked Under Leather
IMDB rating: 5.0
My rating: 1 star
Nudity: Medium
Violence: Low
Foul Language: Medium
Deliberate Comedy: Low
Accidental Comedy: Medium
Effects: Low
Year: 1968
I added this movie to my wish list for Christmas in the misguided notion that this was going to be a chicks-on-motorcycles film, but sadly not. Instead, I was subjected to a moody European artsy drama about an introspective adultress who happened to own a motorcycle.
The movie started out OK, with a dream sequence/drug trip that included some good nudity, whipping, and leather fetish stuff. Sadly after that bizarre sequence, it got mostly boring as we just heard the main character's thoughts about how she hated her husband for being so nice, and hated her lover for being so damned irresistible. Even the occasional exhibitionist fantasy couldn't save this gloomy movie. The best thing about it was the ending, when finally the main character drives headlong into an oncoming car's windshield.