IMDB rating: 4.6
My rating: 1 star
Nudity: Minimal
Violence: Low
Foul Language: Low
Deliberate Comedy: None
Accidental Comedy: Low
Effects: Low
Las Vegas Lady is a story of a lady. In Las Vegas. The main title character who goes by "Lucky" seems to survive as arm candy for high rollers in Vegas, when a mysterious figure gives her and her friends a plan to steal from the casino's owner. Not the casino itself, but just from a drawer in the owner's office, in which he keeps over half a million dollars (not in anywhere as untrustworthy as a safe). She was helped out by her two circus performer friends (they were working at Circus Circus). One was a trapeze artist, who had the amazing ability to climb a 10 story tall rope bare handed with no injuries even after sliding down a whole floor at one point. Also, she was apparently invisible as a large part of the movie involved her rock-climbin... er... casino climbing while no one below took any notice of the dark-suited figure on the white background of the casino. The other was a magician's assistant, who had the amazing ability to be sawn in half. Sadly, that talent remained unused in this movie.
Nudity in the film only consisted of one hot tub scene, which things could kinda almost be seen through the water. Like most caper movies, the thieves win and the victim is the bad guy. The plot is needlessly complex and mostly just dull. The girls were only marginally cute, so the movie has little if anything to offer. This is definitely one to avoid.
[Note for my reader: the scene I mentioned earlier that Griffin was watching wasn't actual nudity, just a very tight fitting dress and early morning ignorance. It was, however, like 45 minutes into the film. I find it difficult to fathom that he actually watched that much of it.]