Podfics and a Translation!

Feb 04, 2013 20:23

Somehow all of January went by without me posting about these, but I am here to remedy that!

Firstly, there is now a Can you hear when I say podfic by
liannabob, who also recorded two other Clint/Coulson corgi stories, including the one that inspired mine. \o/

If Teen Wolf is your thing, you can listen to the Jinx Removing podfic by
anatsuno and it comes with a fitting cover:

Lastly, Semaphore is being translated into Polish. The first two parts are up right now:

Kontakt semaforowy by otemporaetmores

Count von Count would like you to know that over at Dreamwidth this post has
comments! Ah ha ha ha ha!

fanfiction: steve rogers/tony stark, podfic, fanfiction: derek hale/stiles stilinski, fanfiction: clint barton/phil coulson, teen wolf, avengers

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