...and deliver us from Joss Whedon, amen.

May 04, 2012 10:05

Last night was the midnight viewing of Avengers with
girlinthetrilby, and
musesfool, and it was surprisingly easy and stress-free, because the theater, as mentioned in my previous post, wasn't even sold out. (Though a lot of people just showed up and got their tickets at showtime, so the theater was pretty full.) We got there about an hour and twenty minutes early and there were maybe ten people there. We got good seats, never had to stand in line. Pays to live in the sticks, kittens!

musesfool is sitting next to me on the couch trying to peck out her reaction post on her iPad. Just for the record, I offered her a real computer.)

So, obviously I'm bummed that Coulson died. (And it's a two-pronged disappointment, because I'm sad for Clark Gregg, too.) I knew there was a 99% chance someone would die, and there were only a few possibilities in the cast (he obviously couldn't kill anyone who absolutely has to be in a future movie), but I was still holding out hope that, because these are not his characters, someone at Marvel would step in and make Joss get everyone out alive. DENIED. (ETA: Okay, if it really was a dictate from Marvel then I forgive Joss, but I also don't have much patience for his hand-wringing about taking the brunt of the blame, because YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, WHEDON.)

I wish I could say that Steve's helmet wasn't as unfortunate looking live and moving on the big screen, but...no. I still think it makes him look like a giant dildo, and it did very unflattering things to the lower half of his face. You kinda gotta work hard to make Chris Evans not look hot. Congratulations, I guess.

There were a few moments, and a few lines that made go, "Well, that's a bit of a clunker," but I can't even remember what they are now, because I am not made for staying up that late anymore, and I also think everything got subsumed under my Coulson feels.

But! There was also so much greatness in this movie. Everyone got character beats, everyone got a chance to kick ass, characters fought each other and fought together in constantly varying combinations, and I'm really impressed by the way Joss pulled that off.

Pepper was fantastic, Tony hasn't suddenly regressed from where he managed to get in the first two Iron Man films, Ruffalo nailed Bruce/Hulk, Natasha was just amazing, Clint was so fucking bad-ass with that bow, Steve was charmingly out of his own time without it being too over the top ("I got that reference!"), they addressed the Jane Foster issue, Bruce and Tony were totally science bros, Pepper and Coulson were buds and Tony was predictably indignant about it ("His first name is Agent!"), Fury was a duplicitous fucker but he took down a jet with a rocket launcher, Maria Hill was ballsy and tough, Steve was the star-spangled man with a plan (<3 <3), Coulson was a fanboy...okay, I'm just reciting the whole movie right now, and also probably forgetting sixty things.

Basically, I loved like 99% of it, with the exception of a few bits here and there, and of course the fact that one of my favorite characters died. (SOB)

When it was over, I was surprised how many people got up and left immediately instead of waiting for the credits bits. Have they really never been to a Marvel movie before?

That said, the shawarma scene: <3 <3.

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comments! Ah ha ha ha ha!

deliver us from joss whedon amen, avengers!

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