I just wanna buy some peanut butter!

Feb 22, 2012 10:36

So last night I had a dream that I was standing in line at the grocery store and Sebastian Stan was behind me (I totally recognized him from his mouth. I was all, "Hey, that scruffy guy has a pret--OH CRAP") and I looked away really quickly like I didn't know who he was and was all casual like, "Doo doo doo, jus' buyin' some foods here," because apparently I knew what was about to happen and then he was like, "Hey. HEY. It's YOU! We need to talk about that story you wrote. A rentboy? Really?" and I was all, "Have you SEEN YOURSELF? Come on!" He was very insistent though, and said, "We are going to go somewhere and HAVE A DISCUSSION about this," and I was like, "Yeah. A discussion. *leer*" and then I woke up before anything else happened.

musesfool has helpfully provided a link to a picture that accurately shows what he looked like in my dream, all scruffy and dressed in black.

And since I am talking about Sebastian Stan, I guess I need to talk about Chris Evans, too, so he does not feel left out. Luckily for him,
musesfool wrote me a Nick/Cassie story! It's hot and sweet and a little angsty here and there but mostly hot and sweet (and there are some really spot-on character observations) and oh my God, I want them to just do amazing shit together forever, and have really good sex when they aren't doing amazing shit. \o/

This voltage to ignite (3813 words) by
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Push (2009)
Rating: Mature
Warning: Underage
Relationships: Nick Gant/Cassie Holmes
Characters: Nick Gant, Cassie Holmes
Summary: It's not the sex that makes her worry; it's all the stuff that goes with it.

So much fun and happiness in the fannish universe today. <3 <3

Count von Count would like you to know that over at Dreamwidth this post has
comments! Ah ha ha ha ha!

push, sebastian stan, nick/cassie, whoodles

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