You know, you're not the only one who got shot today.

Feb 01, 2012 11:52

I caught some kind of death plague thing with a cough that's been dragging on and on, and I am tired of it, so it needs to go away already. While I was sick, some stuff happened.

  • Because I was a miserable ball of germs, chicklet-girl wrote me a foofy little Gibbs/DiNozzo ficlet that made me go "Awwww!" and only be a little bitter that I had to make my own damn tea. But I compensated for that by loading it with Bailey's Irish Cream, which I think is an idea I got from fyrdrakken?

  • musesfool and I had a text convo about Steve Rogers (note: we have a text convo about Steve Rogers, or some other Avenger, every single day) and about how he may be a Madonna fan. My own personal contribution to this headcanon is the best part would be that he really likes Secret [YouTube link] because he thinks it's a really positive message. You should learn to love yourself! You should make your own happiness! And no one has the heart to tell him it's about masturbation.

  • I had to make a very necessary run to the Wal-Marts to get toilet paper and kleenex and shampoo, and also essentials. Pictured below: essentials.

    [Image Description: a container of Cinnamon Jelly Hearts candy]

    (Once I got my sense of taste back, these were actually quite disappointing--not very cinammony at all--and have since been relegated to the work break room, along with a box of chocolates, some chocolate-covered almonds, and few other things that came my way around Christmas that I will never eat.)

  • Anyway, I totally blame too many not-very-cinnamony jelly hearts for the fact that at the last minute I wrote a little Cougar/Jensen story for The Ante Up Losers Fic Scramble. I cannot tell you which one until the authors are revealed, though I think if you've read other things I've written you can probably suss it out. I've got a pony that does one trick, and I will ride it until the day I die.

  • Finally, and most importantly, I have to share this comic book scan, because a while back I ended up buying a Justin Bieber notebook, which led me to write a snippet where Tony buys Steve from the United States government (as you do). And then last week I saw this on Tumblr, which I gather is from the Ulimate Captain America series (I stopped reading the Ultimate books years ago because everyone was so unrelentingly awful--and just Googling around to find the source of this image made me think the Ult Cap book was no different):

    [Image Description: a Vietnamese child asks a semi-conscious Captain America if he knows "the Justin Bieber."]

    So, clearly, it was meant to be.

ncis, captain america, the losers, avengers!

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