Here lies Lester Moore, four slugs from a forty four

Mar 13, 2007 11:10

Lisa and Craig decided we should have fun with the whole "death" of Captain America thing, so they set up a memorial in the shop, complete the candles (which I did not light, as I am terrified of burning down, exploding, flooding, or otherwise completely destroying the shop while I'm there alone) and little flags, and some hilarious Photoshopped pics of them hanging out with Cap.

The whole thing was really funny, but not as funny as the people who took it seriously.

My contribution was some sympathy cards, one from Wolverine and one from the Hulk.

Here's a bigger pic of the shrine.

Here's the inside of Wolvie's sympathy card.

Here's the outside of Hulk's. Hey, he made an effort, and that's what counts.

And the sentiment inside is nice...

captain america, neptune, potd

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