Home Sweet Home

Aug 11, 2005 20:02

Hey whats up yall? finally home in TEXXASS! Fuck Yeah. Been home almost a week now its been alright, trained a tad tad bit and hung out with my friends and family. Right now im drinkin with my mom sisters and closest buddies so its fuckin awsome. good shit.

Know what pissed me off? sarah has been a straight up bitch, first off i didnt call her and i apologized shit happened and she like fucking broke up with me for not calling, AGIAN! she did last time too. Its like wtf you call me dramatic, damn. Then she is like "you have no friends no one cares about you but your girlfriend". That just like not only pissed me off to the point of "fuck her" but just makes me laugh. She barley knows me fucking we dated a month one year ago and been talkin/datin for the past few months. Every fucking person i have seen since been home ive known for over a year most of them 2-3 years and have seen them every time ive been back. Yeah i would love for everyone in high school to be back in town and to be at parties being the showstopper whatever but hanging with the people that mean the most means the most to me and most of them are leaving soon as in this week for college and i changed some plans around. Get a grip sarah, i have no friends but my gf? you dont know me nor my friends and so fuck you. Stupid bullshit, yeah i can say it on the phone but i think its funny how she can break up with me on a texy meassage but im the asshole when i cant find my phone for talking to her online. Yeah good one ms.paris. The point is Fuck it, if i was at home home out of the marines not going to iraq in under 25 days shit would be diffrent and i would be but as for now im just doing whats easy and makes me happy. I Guess ill go "grow up" some more in Iraq while she sits here and grows up in dallas.

Woo, i vented..

FucknA Family get to gether on sunday, i cant wait for that shit that will be fucking awsome. Should be interesting we've rented out a room at my moms apartments and got alot of beer and YEEAH!!

Gotta go running more and cut down on the smoking im gonna die when i go back for the PFT.. shiat..
Well hey my buddies are here the people that "dont care or give a shit about me" but they showed up when they didnt have to so im gonna go have a good time.

Later ladies and gents



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