Oct 03, 2004 20:23
Its been a while since I've last updated....lots has happened! It was Kristens birthday exaclty a week ago today and me Katrina and Crystal went all out for it. We blew up 240 ballons!!!! We also decorated her whole room and made dinner for her all while she was gone at Softball, it was really fun! Happy Late Birthday KRISTONO!! lol I will love you forever! Other than that there has been so much drama.
I'm pretty sure everyone has some sort of drama right now in their life.....kinda sucks! It's lame how some people have changed so much and how some people treat others. Dont get me wrong I'm not saying im perfect, I've done some shitty things lately which i regret doing and i've said some stuff which I regret saying. Sometimes I cant keep my feelings inside, and i just brust and let it all out....lately I've been letting a lot of things out.
Katrina has had it the worst lately, the absoulte WORST! Shes the number one person who doesnt deserve any of it, consirdering shes been through so much....so much. Shes been hurt a lot in the past 3 weeks and it gets worse for her. I'm tryin to be there for her as much as I can, i know how it feels...one of the worst feelings ever! She has been so strong and doesnt let anything out, but im the one next to her saying everything she should say. I'm the bad one...haha. I dont understand how hypocritcly some people can be......if you've been in the same situtation and had the same thing done to you and been hurt the same way.....why would you do it to someone else? Why would you do it to your friend? So she says its okay to do something....do you really think she means it? Do you not have common sense? Are you that dumb? Shit, you must be....you dont have a brian. Then you talk shit about me? Saying..."Oh she said sorry to me cause everyone hates her and she wants friends now." Really? Really? REALLY??? Are you fucking joking me? Cause im pretty damn sure I would never want you as my friend. I at least have some class to say sorry and put that shit behind us...but you open your mouth and decide to be the low person you are. This is so horrible of me to say but it is so true....your a backstabbing 2 faced bitch. I'm sorry but I completely hate you. Whoever reads this must think I'm some bitch and is so rude...I cant help how I feel....you say I'm low...look at what you say. OK enough about that.
Katrina Crystal and I all went to the JV game agaisnt meadowdale and saw everyone! I saw Vince, Kuhio, Jd, and Tony who I missed sooooooooooooooooo much, when I was with all those guys the whole time I had a smile on my face...they just make me so happy and they have no clue. I really wish I could see them more often....I'm so glad I met the people I met this summer, they made my summer the BEST! Katrina and I always talk about how there was NO DRAMA during the summer and then we also remember that we werent hangin out with anyone from our school other than...me her Crystal and Kristen. Awww how I miss the good days. I miss always being happy and laughing. I miss summer so much. :(
Homecoming is coming up, I'm not going but I'm planning it, haha. I didnt wanna go this year because there wasnt anyone special i wanted to go with, I mean going with a friend is all fun but I feel like I would rather go with someone who means a lot to me. I hope everyone has a blast at homecoming this year, I'm sure all the girls will look gorgeous and all the guys will look handsome! They way some boys have been asking the girls are sooooooooooooooooo cute! We have some smart guys at our school! My brother asked Lindsey Hylton and he bought a build a bear and dressed up in a tux and it was holding a flower, on the other hand it said press me and when you press it you hear, " Hey lindesy its moose and I was just wondering if you would go to homecoming with me?" Awwwwwwwwwwww sooo adorable!! It was his voice, i think thats such a cute way! GOOD JOB BIG BROTHER!!!
Ummm what else to write...I love all the cheer girls sooooo much! Inger-lisa is my absoulte FAVORITE! Shes soooooooo awesome and so cute! I love you girl! Hangin out with her is so much fun, lol shes so hyper, I just love it!
School is alright, not been having the best days but whatever school is school, how can you have a good day there?
Theres lots more to write, I just cant put it all in words right now.
......kinda speechless
Hopefully things will get better for everyone! No more drama lol