Introductio in Analysin .... 2/12

Jun 03, 2009 10:25

Title: Introductio in Analysin Daemonium Infinitorum pt 2
Fandom: SPN-FNL
Pairing: Sam/Tim (Sam/Tim/Dean in a few places)
Rating: Adult (Here there be smut!)
Length: 50k words

Part One

Author's Note: This is the cleaned up master version of a story I began writing for MiniNano back in November 2007. The plan was to finish it and post it before the end of S3 of SPN and S2 FNL -- obviously that didn't happen.

Thank you to tartysuz and ixchel55 for their swift beta.

Legalese: SPN and FNL are copyright their respective copyright holders. This work is a labor of whatiffery, not a labor of lucre.

(More of S2 FNL and S3 SPN in ways that never happened. Tim and Landry have a baptism by fire.)

spn, fnl, fnl-spn, crossover, fanfic

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