Nov 07, 2004 20:04
amy.. made this for me and not gonna lie.. this will be the third entry.. in like 2 hours.. cant tell if its cuz im excited aboutthis.. or that cuz theres 15 min to burn befor the lord of the rings is on tv. by the way.. it is a kinda cool lil trilogy if uve never watchedit or read the books.. do so..
more about me.. well.. the part of me that u can no is that right now in my life there is a lonely spot that i used to fill with girls.. but now is being over come by college applications..isnt that just unbelievable..almost as if i lost a full part of me.. but in return i get to go to college sometime next year.. so i guesse by some form of a full circle philosophy i gain more than i put in..but ya so lonely whole.. ok on to what makes me tick.. in the summer i wake of this year.. and im not bad but.. but.. but.. winter comes.. once snow falls.. im a snowboarding badass.. i would prefer to snowboard at close to sun down at winter park colorado than breath... i cant even think of y.. maybe its that the glow of the snow at that exact time going down the slopes of a park deep within the rocky mountains is close to the subject of snow cuz its supposed to do that very thing tonite sometime..fingers r crossed...i completly enjoy everything about a beautiful girl.. not just a perfect looking girl.. but the beautifulgirl that makes u do the most stupid of all things just thinking about her... i honestly have met like 3 of them.. and i dontno y but maybe 2 of them were actualy held on to.. realistically snowboarding and sex is equal in my mind.. id enjoy either... im not a sick and perverted guy .. i just found that there isnt much i like in life other than those two things..
i thought the other day that maybe i write poetry to impress people .. and make them think there is more to me than the quoted by bill naab of the republican convetion "pot headed fornicator" but then i figured i do it cuz i like it just like well again the two things just listed above.. pot and sex.. so we have now narowed my like list to 4 things..snowboarding girls sex and pot... roughly in that orderif i were to do all of those in one day id probably go on over load of glutiny. but now im ending this journal cuz i have no where else for it to go