Another Anime USA come and gone. This year was great!
Went crazy in the dealer's room. Bought a bunch of revoltech figs, doujins, Amano's artworks for Vampire Hunter D and a dvd set. My credit card HATES me right now...
But at least I got come interesting info from the Funimation table. The recent season of The Slayers(evolution and revolution) is coming to the US early next year...with the original, english voice cast from the first 3 season, years ago! That blew my mind when I heard that. I grew up with that VA cast, and I'm so glad that Funimation went the extra mile to "do it right" as they say. And FMA: Brotherhood, is coming out early next year as well!!
I think the best thing that happened to me was seeing famous voice actor, Steve Blum(Spike from Cowboy Bebop, Roger Smith from Big-O), at his Q&A panel and getting his autograph! The Q&A panel made me understand his work ethic as a voice actor and a heightened respect for the english VA community.
Now for the autograph....2 1/2 hours, in line, with a talkative, nervous 19 year old girl clinging to my sleeve and her 17 year old friend, the rational one(thank gawd), telling her to calm down. WORTH IT! Shook his hand, had him write "Big-O, Showtime!" on a Spike print and took his picture:
Pure, awesomeness! Missed my chance with Johnny Young-Bosch and Tony Oliver the past couple years, but this makes up for it, BIG time!
Other than that, I paraded around as Roy Mustang, for the last time. I'm retiring the costume. I've played as him 3 times: AUSA 2008, Katsu 2009 and this years AUSA. I managed to get some fun, attention and pics taken as the man. But now, I think I need to get away from him before I overuse the outfit. However, if there is a good reason, I might bring him out one more time. Possibly with the eye-patch, since I haven't done that yet. More than likely, the USA release of Brotherhood might be reason enough. We'll see.
Hung around with Theo most of the time, since we planned to go together months in advance. Also hung out with Byron, Liz, Nikki, James and some of the Traditional Games group when I had nothing to do. They worked their butts off! Had some interesting conversations, here and there, while playing Soul Calibur 4 and watching Tekken 6 & SF4 in the Video Game room.
I wasn't in a very snapshot mood this con though... I was too shy to get a pic of a Rydia cos-player and missed my chance every time.... :(
However, at least I got this before the con ended:
Chie from Persona 4!! An awesome cosplay of her! Almost missed my chance as well, but when I saw she hadn't left, I ran down and got it. I feel so good about getting it! :) (and she was cute too! ^_~)
Like every con after dark, stupid crap happens. A minor got caught drinking, only to find out his parents gave him the booze. *groan* One guy got his toe sliced open with a "foam, practice" sword. *double groan* Saw a guy getting carted off by the cops and me and Theo ran into some guys who were drunk...interesting thing is they were in the room next to mine...
Any who, I'm glad I got to go this year! Had to fight for it actually. Granted, the Hyatt is small, a bit unorganized, but it's where I started going to cons when Katsu was still there years ago. At least AUSA is going to be there for one more year! I will definitely get prepped for that early!
It is 8pm as I'm finishing this, so time to make dinner.
Oh and Nikki, I'll get that pic of Armor Plus Ryo to you sometime this week.