Jul 07, 2010 17:32
[ Hiruma was wading through the water in route 29 trying to get to Cherrygrove city - he had almost made it to the end when Cerberus' pokéball was swept away by the water. He took off after it and eventually caught it, floating around in New Bark town. It was accompanied by a barely-half-conscious Sentret which immediately started struggling after Hiruma as he made his way back into route 29.
A stalking pokémon. Wonderful.
This was when he turned the audio feed on. Because Hiruma needed an answer to his question, and he needed it right away! ]
Che...does anyone know... when this fucking rain is going to stop? I can't get to Cherry Fucking City and I need a fucking pokémon center.
Oh, and does anyone know what we do if one of these fucking monsters wont stop following us?
//ooc; Action for anyone in route 29/New Bark town \o/
!where= route29,
!when= afternoon