A dash of fun and a heavy dose of RANT.

Jul 16, 2005 19:47

Wow. People at work scare me.

Me: *smiling and perky*
Marsha (new manager): You look happy today.
Me: I had a fun night, and I ended up only getting three hours of sleep.
Marsha: ...YOU HAD PHONE SEX!!!
Me: WHAAAA?!?!?! o_O; No I didn't have phone sex!
Marsha: Haha, that sounded guilty!
Me: I did not have phone sex! Honestly!
Marsha: Oh. Well maybe you should sometime.
Me: *laughing too hard to talk*

So other than that, Mom's boyfriend was being an ass this morning. He was hovering all over me this morning to irritate me which, to my great dismay, is very effective. Basically, I walk into a room or corner, and he comes over to stand riiiiight in front of me to completely cut off my path. Mind you, I was almost late for work when he started playing around. I was able to avoid him for the most part until I made it to the door.

Him: Where are you going? Work?
Me: ...yes. It's where I've been going every day since like, last Thursday.
Him: Well there ya go!

...it's not so much what he says as how he says it. And saying it with a condescending/semi-incredulous tone kinda gets under my skin, because I know he's implying that he's amazed. Like I'm some good little pet that deserves a pat on the head or something. Meanwhile, I'm the only one awake and heading out in the morning, seeing as his lazy brats can't even get themselves up before two in the afternoon, much less commit to an actual paying job or any other responsibilities. Anyhoo, continuing on:

Him: Good to see you're doing what you should be.
Me: What I should be?
Him: Yeah so you can pay your bills or who knows, maybe go visit some boyfriend someday.
Me: Wow, that was real nice.
Him: What? Did I say something?
Me: "Some" boyfriend? Real cute. I've already paid off my tickets, if it's any of your business, and with my own credit card. Mom had nothing to do with it, in case you were wondering.
Him: *feigning ignorance* What are you talking about? What tickets?
Me: As if you don't talk to Mom. I'm sure this topic hasn't been in your head for the past week.
Him: Whatever, so where are you going?
Me: California, obviously.
Him: When?
Me: August, which I'm sure Mom already told you.
Him: Oh, you're assuming things now. You know what happens when you assume.
Me: Yeah, makes an ass out of you. *slams door*

I oughta beat him with The Lead Pipe of Justice. Who the hell does he think he is pushing himself into my business?! It's like he's trying to devalue the important things in my life to make himself feel better about his own shitty kids and their miserable lives. "Some" boyfriend indeed. As if I'm some common whore like James that'll fall on my back for anything that walks by. Like I have guys constantly going in and out of this house on a day-to-day basis. I'm not the one with a reputation for disappearing for days on end and sneaking at least one new person into my room every other week to screw for three or four days before never seeing them again! No, he has to make himself feel better by making something that I find happiness in sound worthless just because his own kid is a piece of trash. "Some" boyfriend? Like he didn't spend a week sleeping on our couch! And when we were finally able to get him a hotel room using Mom's credit card to sign for it (and later pay her back), her idiot boyfriend spent the entire four days bitching at her at every possible chance he could, telling her that she was stupid to put the room on her card, that she couldn't trust him, that he was probably going to leave and never come back and screw her out of her money. Because certainly, who the hell would be interested in me, right?! Certainly no one as far as he's concerned!
I seem to recall a fight a while back over James's behavior with girls in his room, and James telling his father that the only reason my mom didn't want girls in his room was because she was angry that I was fat and ugly and no one liked me because otherwise, I'd have boys in my room all the time. Worse, his father said almost the same thing when arguing about it with my mom! His dad said that she was upset because I never had boyfriends, and that I wasn't normal. He actually said I wasn't normal and that there was something wrong with me because I "couldn't" get dates. Apparently he supports and fully believes in the idea that I'm too fat and ugly and personality-deficient to be seen as anything more than a one-week fling fuck-toy for some random out-of-state con artist. Strange how he assumes that all we did the entire week was have sex, considering that he thinks I'm so repulsive to anything male. So from his perspective, I guess that makes me a lonely, unattractive, fat and ugly whore. Amazing how I can be both untouchable and slutty at the same time, isn't it? How do I do it? It must be magic, kids! How. Dare. He.

So in this rare time when I am actually happy, and James is rapidly spiraling into the depths of moral decay, he needs to belittle me and make me feel like garbage because he can't cope with his own damn kids and the rejects they've turned out to be. That guy seriously makes me sick.
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