Okay. So maybe I kind of FORGOT writing in a diary is required for school. And I tried to throw it away but I got caught and told yes, I STILL have to write in this thing so, HERE I AM. WRITING.
Are you fucking kidding me? Are we really considering a bloody DANCE? I am not going to wear a dress again.
JAMES. When are WE gonna to get the pitch for practise, huh? If we gotta practise at the arsecrack of dawn, though, you are going to have a very hacked off Seeker on your team. FAIR WARNING and all.
Now on to more important news:
KILLER HAS GROWN SO MUCH. Just look at him. He is going to be a fucking beast when he gets older. He woke me up this morning, and you know what he had for me? A MOUSE. He killed it. I am so proud -- just a kitten still, and he's already like a fucking PANTHER. Well, okay, it wasn't a full mouse. It was just half of one. I think he ATE the other bits, but whatever -- a beast has gotta do what a beast has gotta do, aye? I told him he was a good boy and I think he finished up the rest of it. So yeah if someone brought a mouse in and it is now missing, thanks for providing Killer with a meal!