Ex-Gauge [1%] - Accidental Voice

Jun 19, 2009 20:09

Boy when it rains, it pours

Bad enough I'm stuck in the middle of goddamn nowhere fighting off branches with a shitty, backseat driving arm. It seems to be under the impression that going in circles is getting me somewhere. Which, by the way, it's not.

But no matter how hard I hit it the stupid thing just flickers, like it's having a seizure, and then points me towards the nearest tree. In the last twenty minutes I've discovered that this place has a shitload of trees. And my arm has plans to molest every one of them.

So now I ignore it, it ignores me and we kind of ignore each other.

I hope that whenever this thing starts getting reception it realizes just how much of a prick it's being and apologizes.

Still, I'm not getting any closer to...wherever the hell it is I'm supposed to be. I know that much. And without the arm all I have left is this random book I found..well, paper anyway. There's nothing written on it and that, along with the disgustingly cute wings, tells me that whatever demons live here have a twisted sense of humor.

They should meet my arm. I'm sure they'd be best friends.

[ooc: Is it wrong that I imagine Nero's arm to be Vergil? Because I so totally do. You know they'd fight like an old married couple...]

lost, i hate trees, where is my awesome coat?, stupid arm

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