(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 13:35

Now.. here is my entry about the weekend in Bonn.
AnimagiC & ガゼット

I can't tell you, how happy I am that we had most of this weekend together!!

aoi_ajisai, aiji_kun, caryschah, rukichuu, prechu, pink_hensou!! ♥ ♥ ♥
I love you all!! ;-; ♥

I think the pictures will tell everything, ne?


Gazette Cosplayers

pink_hensou.. I simply love this pic ♥


caryschah (you are so cute ;o; ♥) & aoi_ajisai (beautiful

Saga ;O; ♥)

just one thing to be added here: lol!!

KuRt cosplayers

chibi_kana & Juni(I don't know her lj name/ okay I don't know her at


pink_hensou cutie ;O;!!

I love love love you!!

x3 they were too cute!

*hugs you two* I love this picture!!

rukikun(our Shou) and me~

♥ ♥ ♥


I don't know what to tell about Gazette in detail--
It was too gorgeous..

I can't find the words to describe it..

♥ saturday (front row from SHADOW VI II I on with aoi__ and later pink_hensou and shinyasama in front of Aoi!)

♥ cought Ruki's bottle

♥ Sunday second row in front of Aoi

♥ fun fun fun........


setlist saturday.. pink_hensou got it after the saturday live.

It was so sad, when the concert on sunday was over..
we were all to happy and all totally emo.. Tero *cough*
But it was good to know, that I was not the only one who was crying..
*hugs all the crie0rs* (love you)

And it was so much fun to play those little games..
like "Johnny komm wir essen eine Leiche" and the other one with the japanese numbers..

A weekend of love!!!

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