Update on Hotel Realm

Oct 21, 2012 16:17

I was driving around on Friday, as I do, when I got a phone call from Aerial management. It would appear Aerial had been in contact with the Hotel Realm over the incident I blogged about previously. 
The upshot of the whole Aerial/Realm meeting was that I am now barred from picking up at the Hotel Realm by order of one Robert Lillington.

It would appear Robert is the Hotel Realm Executive Assistant Manager as can be found here


Judging but what I have witnessed recently I would argue that Mr Lillington wouldn't be able to manage his way out of a brown paper bag.

I stand by my comments made in the previous journal entry. I will not recommend the Hotel Realm, for anything,  to anyone in my cab. I shall also make it known that the Hotel Realm is not a user friendly environment.

A point I forgot to mention in my previous entry was that the BBC also said to me "It is not our responsibility to make sure customers get in the right cab". Fair point, but it IS your responsibility to ensure that you use the Easycab system, provided to you for your convenience, in the correct manner.

The manager who called me from Aerial to advise that I had been barred from pick ups at the Hotel Realm was not privy to the meeting that took place between Aerial/Realm.

I have therefore emailed the Aerial employee who was privy to this conversation and have asked the following;

1) Can you advise the reason(s) the Hotel Realm gave for barring me from the Realm? 
2) What accusations (if any) were leveled at me by Hotel Realm?
3) Did the Realm concede that they are doing the wrong thing with the Easycab system?
4) Will Hotel Realm use the Easycab system as it is supposed to be used, from now on?

Depending on the answers to these questions will see me engage the services of a lawyer for action against the Hotel Realm & Mr Lillington for restriction of trade under the Trade Practices Act 1974. I have no idea if this Act covers sole traders, but I guess I will soon find out.

There was no reason to bar me from the Hotel Realm and quite frankly, all this could have been avoided if staff at the Hotel Realm did their job properly. Something they seem unable to do. It is also quite disappointing that one inept Manager by the name of Robert Lillington stands by his staff thereby condoning their actions of doing the wrong thing.

Aerial have obviously made their own decision on who is right or wrong in this matter. Whilst they won't remove the Easycab system off the Hotel Realm (which I strongly believe they should) they have ensured that I will not be penalised for being unable to pick up at Hotel Realm. So kudos to Aerial for that !!!

Are you sure you want to stay at a Hotel where customer service and doing the right thing is ignored by management ??  I know I don't. I'll advise others that they don't either. 
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