the missing

Apr 30, 2008 13:45

I'm back from Japan now;(
I'm missing the little things; rice triangles from 7-11 (the ones with pickled plum inside), heated toilet seats (the one here is so damn cold), only having to step outside to be surrounded by gorgeous men (all the drooling I did had me dehydrated!), the different music played at each train station that signaled when the doors would close, seeing people of all ages and types staggering around drunk after their after-work drinks but well before the last trains, seeing people running by trying to get those last trains...I wish I had gone to the sento/onsen more than once or twice, they were actually very relaxing...oh lots of things, but I'm still so tired. Its not just jet lag or depression about leaving, I got an ear infection during my last few days there so I was being sick and boring for all of those reasons.

"home" again

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