Last Days of Summer!

Aug 04, 2005 11:00

Well hey wazzup everybody...I hope you're all in good health and high spirits...Well I'm in the final days of my summer and it seems to be going good but I just hate the winding down of summer...OH WELL!!! haha well let's see...there are just so many things popping in and out these last couple of days I'm just relaxing now...well work is finally coming to a so called "contract" ends tomorrow but I've already finished the things for the week so I'm done with work in finale

Well school's gonna be one hell of a ride this year. I'm gonna be taking so many classes that I'm first gonna be blowing my mind and second oh screw the second part its just gonna blow my mind haha!!! But this year is gonna be AWESOME considering how everything went. I'm probably gonna be one of the better swimmers this year ONLY and ONLY if I start going to practice again. But I started so I think I'll be alive lol. And then when second semester starts I start to have my fun with NHI and all of that again. I love NHI with all my heart. Its the best program yet and I'm not speaking from one perspective anymore I'm speaking from participant to trainer to staff. And all of that changes my views each time and its just a great program overall! I LOVE IT!!! haha...(that doesn't include the people you meet either *wink*)

Hey I hope all of you like the new background I put in place...tell me if you can't see it...its supposed to be SupermanOn a ledge and gliding into a Cathedral. BUT IF YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW ALREADY, I LOVE SUPERMAN! HELLS YEAH!!

Well my social/love life is alright. I know so many people and they are all awesome but I don't know if I want to get myself into a relationship. It seems weird, I know, but I just like to have the fun right now. Love doesn't seem to have hit my life all that well before so I've come to the understanding about lets just have fun. And right now thats what I plan to do...and Rebecca I love you too and don't worry everything's gonna turn out fine, just don't worry!

OH WAIT!!! Dudes and Dudettes...if you haven't heard or don't know or I didn't call, I'm sorry! But me and Ben are having this party at my house this Friday. Poker for those who want to play at like 6 on...and there's just a party in general! But everybody come cuz its the last weekend and hey its also a special guests b-day so we have to celebrate hers!!! So give me a call about it alright PEACE OUT!!!

well I don't really think there's much else to and life are all good and all staying out of trouble...let's hope it stays that way *wink* so I'll talk to you guys later...peace out...and see ya guys on the flip side!!!
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