(no subject)

Jul 17, 2003 13:57

Well today completed my first full week of school this session and it sucked! These classes run so fast I dont' know how anyone can keep up. I just took a government test and I dont' think I did well at all and I actually studied alot. It was either I knew the question or I didn't and most of the time I didn't. But maybe by some awesome chance I passed it. We'll see. I get the test back wednesday I think.

I would have to say that I absolutely love Third Eye Blind. On some untouchable level, I connect with there music. Its like every song has a meaning for me now. I would have to give Ronny credit for that one. I've always listened to them but never their whole cds until Ronny dled them. I just love everysong. Thats all I listen to anymore.

Jesi is in town right now. William came and saw me yesterday. Its like the world is trying to test me. But thats ok because everytime William comes and sees me it reminds me of why I got out of that life. And of course me and Jesi are just friends so I dont' mind seeing him as long as he is in a good mood. Its like hes a girl...the military has made him so bitchy sometimes. I wonder how that makes Ronny feel. I know that I wouldn't like his ex-girlfriends hanging around him but I trust him so it wouldn't bother me too much. But sometimes I still wonder. I'm sure Ronny could care less though. Hes such a wonderfully normal guy. I love that about him. He doesn't have any weird things or exceptions in his life. He makes me happy.
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