So I was just bumming around on YouTube a second ago, when I stumbled upon a Supernatural fanvid...with Stephen Lynchs 'Superhero'. OMG! Most don't know this, but I love Stephen Lynch so very very much. This totally made my day, even if it did kind of suck :(
Anyway, in case none of you know the awesomeness that is Stephen Lynch, here is my favorite performance of his. (WARNING:: Lots of cussing and naughty talk...good times!)
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He's just an amazing singer (you might not see that in this one though lol) and a great comedian. I love him and want to have his babies, even if they are ugly :)
And finally, I leave you with the song that my sister and I renamed "The saga of Jared & Jensen":
Click to view
Okay, I'll leave you all alone now!