heYy guys..heres some random pics of me and my freinds...lol lotta gOodtimes..hehe if ur not here and u want me to put u in then let me know..thanx..ne ways uMm schOOl started yesturday : [..man its been so0o hott lately ..i hate it..ne ways uMm have a couple hard classes besides thats its iight..ne ways this saturday im so0o exciited cuz iiima gO to the St JoEs/bosCo weLcOmE dance!!! i get tO see a my freiiinds that i misss sOo much : )..but yah if u are my friend and u wanna gOo...then let me know or my freind cecily and she will get u a guest pass...well yah let me know asap..hehe ..iight well here are some pics..xoxo
heRes MeEeh and ceciiily..
<<< jeNel
meEh aNd jeNel after a HaRd softball Practice..lol
AWwww mY loVe..hehe
The loveLy joNNny
aLlaN and char char...hahaha some gOod tImes at the parkk..lol
o0o maNn i Love these girLs.. haha theres tipsY aNd my girlfriiiend malorie<3333
Last but not least mE aNd mi maMa before homecomiing last year!!
weLL yah..thats all for now...iMm about to go to pitching and battiing lessons sOo im out...mwahhhhhhh <3333 jeN