..:my wEekEnD:..

Aug 01, 2004 22:54

weLl lets SEee...saTurday i had a party aT my house for mi maMa's BiRFdaE!!iT was real funN with the girliess..haha me..cec..and des in Our piMp haTs..lol gt gt..TheN laterr it kinda became my party..and we just started calling pEoPle at a time..it was fuNny cuz like groUp of freiNds would chill for a while then leave then another grOup would cOme..heh it was fuNn..theN a speCiaL "friend" of mine came to come visit meEh even though he was in like maJor troUble : ) and so i finally got 2 see him..awWWw i missed him sOo much!!haha yah u know who u r...neways..Um later that nIght more ppl sHowed up and everyone decided to chill in my KitCheN..lol RaNdOm i know..oOps i mean how uNknOwN..lol spread it around..i heard its the nEw woRd! hahahha..O0o0 maNn we definitly had some fUnnNn in thEre..huh cec?lol..and how bout when some one randomLy turns Off the lights?!?!hMmm..haha what happens in the House stays in the house..bUt ya theN we all just chilled..theN more boys showed up aNd theN later we haD to get jacK in the box..i mean come On its onLy a TraDition aT mY hOuse..lolaNd tHeN my freakInn brother eats my taCo : [ but yah im over it..umm well yah thats abOut it..we ended going to sleep around 5 or so. then i had to wake up today at 10 cuz i had 3 softball games tOdaY..ugHh maN..sO yah got home around 8 from my games and took a shower.. and talKed to my one of my friends aNd now im just chilling..listening to music..but im aBout to go to bed cuz im effing tiiired... sO im out..mwa! eX oH Ex oH
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