Fumando espero (I await, smoking)

Mar 12, 2011 13:34

Fumando espero I, originally uploaded by Miss Van Dietrich.
So...complicated story. Back when I was showing a couple of gorgeous trannies, courtesy of a Flickrette named Karen Piper (http://www.flickr.com/people/38773020@N00/), I contacted several Spanish girls who were faves of Karen's. One calling herself Marlene van Dietrich -- real name Marta -- replied, saying I could feature a couple of her photos.

Now, actually, this shot is OF Marta -- from the neck down. That is, her bodacious BODY photographed by HER girlfriend Gemma Navarro "Paparruchas" (Spanish nickname for "silly thing"!). Gemma was assisted in shooting by "Monkey Mery" (probably someone named Maria in RL). Well, sooo -- all very cute, a bunch of young girls goofing around.

So, I looked around on their Flickrs, finding a great pose of the three of them (and two other cute girls -- Marta is the upside-down one): http://www.flickr.com/photos/romaeterna29/5184088549/

What has all this to do with Karen's beguiling shots of T-girls? Well, it seems Marta, Gemma, "Mery," etc. are fascinated by photos of guys being girls. (Apologies to The Kinks...) And I, for my part, am intrigued by their fascination with gender.

PW 44 (great legs, plus strategically placed brandy snifter...)

legs, posing

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