Yo ("Me") -- by Alejandro Arbo

Feb 20, 2011 11:24

Yo , originally uploaded by Polly Pop.
I couldn't show you the sensual shooting of Polly without showing you the irrepressible Polly herself. This shot by a colleague, with her "shooting eye" levelled at HIM, is so damned sensual. It's a clue as to why she captures a mischievous sexiness in all her photos!

As I've said previously, I adore checking out the Flickr photo-groups of my favorite photographers -- a further hint about their style, just what turns THEM on. I mean, I KNOW which pics really arouse me -- but it's fun to see what gets the "girl behind the camera" hot.

And, proving that point, I see that Polly posted this sexy shot to a fascinating multi-lingual (English, Spanish -- and Catalan) group --http://www.flickr.com/groups/21andinvincible/

Indeed, to be 21 is to be INVINCIBLE; there's nothing you can't try on, like a hat, an entire lifestyle -- or a delectable girlfriend. As they say about fees on bank accounts, "no penalty for early withdrawal." (Yep, I know that line is also used to refer to heterosexual sex -- but one CAN withdraw from a relationship with EITHER gender, if it doesn't work out...)

Anyhow, it's a hot group -- well worth a visit!

PW 51 (YES, I will give max points to Polly for that lascivious look, even just one eye and a sly smile!)

shot of the photographer, pop, sexy, groups

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