inside one of my installations

Feb 06, 2011 16:03

inside one of my installations, originally uploaded by sammypersons.
Samantha ("Sammy") Persons is a wild artist, showing various facets of her life on Flickr. I really want to do justice to her complex creativity, which extends to large "installations" like this one. Happily, it makes for a truly unique self-portrait here.

Her life itself is an intriguing creation: as you lovely readers will see next, her girlfriend is a fascinating boi. That is, a butch who is hyrself a creative and, evidently, edgy partner who provides Sammy with a context for her work. Not to stretch the point, but I know that Jackson Pollock was in many ways defined by his wife Lee Krasner...*

PW 45 (not getting a specific sexual vibe here -- just impressed by raw creativity when I sense it)


Who was played by Marcia Gay Hardin in Ed Harris's 2000 movie "Pollock," which is -- I think -- the reason I credit Krasner for contributing to Pollock's creativity. It was a rough marriage, by most accounts.

installation, gender, art

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