
Feb 01, 2011 12:13

An astute comment posted in NYTimes --

Having spent 2 months backpacking through Egypt, I have to admire the pride and bravery of the Egyptian people. Overall they were a hospitable, welcoming, and peaceful group of people. I don't pretend to understand everything that is going on, but I do know that they need this change. Maybe if more people saw the poverty that so many Egyptians live in they would have more support. The police there were beyond corrupt; an officer offered to take a picture of me and then refused to give the camera back unless I paid him. People from Egypt were largely ignored while tourists were catered to by shops, government institutions, and services. I'm happy for the people that a change is coming, and I can only hope it will be peaceful and positive.

New York
Feb 01, 2011 6:48 AM


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