Hatter, originally uploaded by
Hatter Photography.
Okay, making amends for NOT showing you the genius behind Hatter Photos, the Girl who has Everyone (just in case you were thinking Christmas gifties) -- Hatter, herself. Turns out Marie is her middle-name and NONE of her friends would ever, etc.
She has her requisite share of false modesty --
"When I get bored... and run out of photos to edit..this happens... lol"
And she thanks "ms.creepshow" for shooting her. BTW Her other pals include Miss Abbie, Naemia, Minxy, Mandy Lee Mayhem, Alien Baby, Manda Chaos, Rachie Tartz -- and the rest of the Addams Family!
But nooooo! Not at alllll! THEY weren't very sexy (well, except for WhazHerName?), whereas Hatter's friends do wondrous Goth compositions with corsets, kinky panties, vintage bra-things, latex, fishnets, lots of mascara, garters, spit and baling-wire, and plain ol' flesh -- lots of yummy semi-naked provoking of our innocent eyeballs ...
(If I ever were to be inducted into her delightful troup, I wanna be Miss KinkyPanties!)
PW 44-ish (cute, definitely, kissable lips, but not the sexiest shot in her amazing collection -- but, yeah, I wish I looked as good!)