Claudia y Alba, originally uploaded by
Karmen Guerrero.
I just discovered a wonderful "girls' girl" from Spain on Flickr. She expresses her enthusiasm for the femmes in her vicinity by shooting cute photos of couples. This one is just ONE quick example of her amorously inclined girlfriends. (Incidentally, Alba means "Dawn" -- a pretty name for sure!)
She sub-captions this shot, "Siempre a salvo" (always safe -- though I'm not sure who is "safe" from whom...).
About herself, in her Flickr profile, she says "I detect in myself something that stops me from doing stuff that seems easy." This saying ("dicho") must be about her wonderful photography -- since WOMEN are never "easy." No, indeed, they aren't...
I'm writing to Karmen, in Barcelona (one of my favorite cities in the WHOLE world!), in a funny mix of English and Spanish; she's writing back in Spanish mixed with English. Whatever else it is, it is quite SEXY.
Much more to say on the subject -- but I'll save it for my post of her next "pareja" (couple)...
BTW I put up my occasional bunch of "tags," which I usually limit to the first 4 letters, but I couldn't stop...
PW 96 (oh, Goddess! I'm going to have to explain THIS goofy part of the blog to her, somehow... let's just say I', wet!)