Goddamned Republicans !

Dec 07, 2010 23:46

I just lost my temper with Izuko, our quasi-resident troglodyte! He continued to harp on the supposed qualities of Sarah Palin -- creating his half of a " dialogue of the deaf" from Hell.

Feel free to scroll back and visit the latest and last rounds!

God, I just hate what the Republicans have been doing to the nation's political discourse -- not to mention wrecking the economy and, helped by idiot Tea Partiers, threatening to wreck our whole future. Ken loves the whole wretched mess!

I probably could have tolerated his gadfly nonsense -- but NOT after watching the President tonight, yielding to the assholes in Congress ( Beaner & Co.) and likely ruining our fiscal prospects.

What are we watching here? Seriously, friends, this accomodation of the "disloyal opposition" and their half-baked plans is madness! We cannot blithely cut taxes for the rich when deficits loom for many years to come! We cannot keep financing them with loans from China. The politicians have lost any positive vision for our America -- their ONLY interest is re-election, at whatever cost.

How fucking depressing!

horror show, politics

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