Palin Pushes Religion Test for Presidents!

Dec 05, 2010 16:29

The Post today has an important op-ed by Bobby Kennedy's "politico" daughter Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. In it, she contradicts Sarah Palin in the latter's book "America by Heart" (*gags*). Palin revisits JFK's famous speech, during his 1960 campaign, to a Houston religious group. He said he wasn't the "Catholic candidate" but rather the "Democratic ( Read more... )

religion, palin, politics

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Comments 26

izuko December 5 2010, 21:45:57 UTC
I don't see a problem with what Palin wrote, or how her expressing her views on how presidents should deal with the dichotomy between religious and public life constitutes a "religious test." KKT, being a product of the left, does not seem to have a filter between "we think people should" and "we think people should be forced to" and thus projects that upon Palin.

Many times, Palin has struck a "I don't agree with it, but it's not the government's place to say" position. Of course, that aspect never gets reported, just KOSsac questions as to whether her husband slept with his daughter.

Hell, I'm surprised KKT didn't dredge them up for this.

The more the left smears Sarah, the more I like her.


Manipulative bitch! devifemme December 5 2010, 22:29:04 UTC
I DON'T see the left doing anything to your darling. SHE's the one who sneered at JFK -- or, rather, her ghost-writer did. In fact, I cannot imagine she has the least clue what Kennedy thought about religion and public life. Instead, she mouths someone's siren song to lure more of the religious right into bed with her. Miserable bitch! She's actually enjoying being imposed on the American people by Fox News and their ilk.


Re: Manipulative bitch! izuko December 5 2010, 23:23:51 UTC
The suggestion is that she's jeopardizing the no-religious-test clause of the constitution. How is she doing that? What about it threatens you?


Re: Manipulative bitch! devifemme December 6 2010, 01:46:55 UTC
Simple -- it is a blatant appeal to the religous nut-cases that comprise a not-insignificant share of the rightist base! Kennedy wasn't pitching for Catholic votes -- not in talking to a bunch of "heartland" ministers, as he was. La Palin is shamelessly sucking up to fundamentalist know-nothings. (Ordinarily, they might not vote, but her McCain-in-pushup-bra appeal could propel their asses into voting booths.)

How about she just shut up about religion? There is that church/state thing, you know...

And are you ducking the "ghostwriter" angle I raised in the last comment?

Hugz, J


dokai December 5 2010, 22:45:01 UTC
You're probably not a GWAR fan, but you might enjoy this video:



Shock and awe! devifemme December 5 2010, 23:29:43 UTC
Oh! Sweet Dokai, what on earth?! That has to be MORE disturbing than the sex-vid I was put onto by eqfe a few minutes ago!! (Which was a comment on a mild D/s photo -- -- but featured a cold-blooded domme who still has me shivering.)

That GWAR "performance" certainly set back our political discourse a long way...I guess I prefer the Tina Fey version of Palin (even if Bush 41 has the copyright on "kinder gentler"). I hadn't know about GWAR, though I see the group is a major one -- even performed at Coachella! It's not my thing, I'm afraid...


Re: Shock and awe! dokai December 6 2010, 00:16:14 UTC
*chuckles* No worries. As I indicated, I didn't expect to find that you were a GWAR fan.

Palin frightens me with the amount of passion she's able to invoke in the less-informed. The Republicans have historically tried to turn every issue into a "right vs. wrong" debate, with the easily-led jumping on their bandwagon. Remember how Kerry was crucified? "A vote for Kerry is an endorsement for homosexuality!" *roles eyes*

If I had a vagina I'd be even more terrified of Palin, given her ideas regarding freedom of choice and the rights of women to control their own bodies. Never mind her obviously flawed and failed opinions regarding celibacy being the premier method of birth control. She reminds me a lot of what I've read about Hitler's charisma and ability to lead otherwise semi-intelligent people down a dark path.


Re: Shock and awe! devifemme December 6 2010, 16:01:35 UTC
Wait a minute, sweetie... "If I had a vagina..."?? I could've sworn you were a girlie!

But that somewhat explains the appeal of GWAR. Simulating the evisceration of a public figure -- that is, the literal gutting -- is sorta macho. Sorry, but I squicked!

Hugz (not quite as "intime" as previously -- I'm the least likely bi person I know!), Justine


elvenforever December 5 2010, 23:58:11 UTC
These are Sarah Palin's and the Tea Party's express purposes; that article contained no surprises for me. Jesus Christ Himself would not be good enough for these people. If He came back again today, they'd be the ones wanting to crucify Him yet again.


Despair? devifemme December 6 2010, 15:56:25 UTC
It's the "balls to the wall, willing to try ANYTHING" that gets me! Politics as blood sport!

With any luck, Todd WILL get caught with a moose! (See below...)

Hugs, J


anonymous December 6 2010, 14:11:02 UTC
So much hatred from a "tolerant" leftist.

Don't forgot to mock her children too.


Sorry about that, Todd -- go find a willing moose (or is that "moosette" ?) devifemme December 6 2010, 15:53:12 UTC
Only the wayward ones, notably Bristol (inspired by the UK seaport or "cracker central" in Tennessee?)!

I don't hate her; in fact, if I found her sexy body in bed, I'd love her! Heck, might even convert her to full-out lesbian -- that'd really grab 'em in the "heartland"!



Re: Sorry about that, Todd -- go find a willing moose (or is that "moosette" ?) devifemme December 6 2010, 16:13:05 UTC
According to Wiki, "...Congress recognized Bristol as the Birthplace of Country Music in 1998...[also] the birthplace of Tennessee Ernie Ford."

But I'm sure there are lots of nice people there.


Keep it in your church, Sarah evileyeofdoom December 7 2010, 08:07:51 UTC
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof", thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." - Thomas Jefferson

Thanks for the article!


Re: Keep it in your church, Sarah devifemme December 7 2010, 13:00:34 UTC
GREAT quote from Jefferson -- the Founding Father who continues to disconcert the knee-jerk "patriot" righties!



Re: Keep it in your church, Sarah evileyeofdoom December 8 2010, 07:30:19 UTC
As he should - after all, this is the man who literally cut and pasted the parts of the bible he liked best into his own version.

BTW I found this when I googled "Thomas Jefferson" and "Sarah Palin" in the same search. Check it out.

Take care.


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