Playing a hunch!

Nov 20, 2010 13:51

DSC_0733 - Copy, originally uploaded by patsy_pow.
Here's another clothed shot of our darling Patsy -- or should I call her Mistress Patsy, after confessing my fantasy of her as a domme?

This little dress is every bit as sexy as the last shot (proving -- as if it needed to be! -- that "slutty" is VERY MUCH in the eye of the beholder). I particularly enjoy her "hunching" her shoulders forward, loosening up her decollete and hinting what's to come!

What IS to come?

Ah, just like me, you gentle readers must wait and see. I trust Patsy rewards patience!

PW 48++ (yes, so horny now....)


BTW -- you'll notice a BUNCH of tags on both of Patsy's shots today; I have a year's worth of tags, and LJ's screen lets you choose from your old tags -- so, as I did a week ago, I'm going through just 4 letters each post (a-d in the last one), just to see which ones apply to Patsy!!

BTW2 -- you fans at home can play, too: choose a tag here and click to get all my uses of said tag. I tried out "panties" -- gosh, was I stunned by how many shots responded to that !

fetching, hawt, heh lissome, fault, erotica, girlfriend, hot, , eyes, gown, gaze, flirting dangerously, fucking up, femme

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