Sweet Bella

Oct 24, 2010 16:11

Sweet Bella, originally uploaded by Doug Swinson | Photography.
Doug is a Toronto-based Flickr member who enjoys "the human form" -- not least the particular form that he brings to us here. He also maintains a very elegant Website for his photography -- http://dougswinson.zenfolio.com/

I don't know anything about the girl named Bella, though I guess she's Canadian. She has a lovely little tat, just where it would show prettily when she wears a bikini -- though I DO believe it shows even better when she doesn't.

As you constant readers know, I'm back in my Washington DC place, after 5 wonderful weeks in Florida. I'll have a lot of work to accomplish in the next month -- that's the nature of consulting, feast or famine (though I'm currently doing quite well at it...).

But, between professional demands and the high-energy scheduler who is my Significant Other (and her annoyance at "so freaking much blogging!), I will have to reduce my output -- but, I trust, NOT my enthusiasm!

PW 46++ ("Ciao Bella!" as Italians say to prettty girls -- she AND her tat are my latest reason for finding time to keep up the blog...)

breasts, tat, nude

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