Undressing the girlfriend?

Oct 20, 2010 13:56

Well, gang, I did a LOT of research, working my eyeballs to the bone...though, admittedly, not all of Pepa's work is erotica. In fact, if you've even THOUGHT of visiting Spain (and you should!), I recommend prowling carefully through her lovely stuff on the country and the people.

But, about that girlfriend...I'm not sure if I recall correctly, and it was many months ago -- and, who knows about these things? I may have misremembered. Or that girl is gone and there's a new one. I think this shot, though, has a good chance of being the girlfriend du jour. This shot is NOT just undressing for your photographer...

One side-benefit: I found a shot of Pepa by a friend (I won't use it until friend permits...). But she has a caption with a bit of bio -- so here's my rough translation of the Spanish (not Catalan!) --

1- I'm named Mº José [I don't think that's "Mario," but girls' names there are twisted by religion, my fave being Maria y Jose" -- "Mary AND Joseph!] but, years ago, a friend called me "Pepa" and it stuck.
2- I'm from Miravet (Terres de l´Ebre), the prettiest town in Catalunya, though for many years I've lived in Tarragona.
3- I got my first camera as a "comunión" present -- only getting that made communion worth the bother...

She also said she didn't like being photographed herself, and "I don't like to write."

That's okay, sweetie, I'll take care of the writing -- you keep shooting such beautiful, evocative photos.

PW 47+ (yep, I endorse furtive sex -- along with all the other kinds! This shot is really delectable...)

undressing, girlfriend

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