Blondes v. brunettes

Aug 07, 2010 13:51

I forget, have I ever mentioned that a favorite LJer for a long time has been my fellow Floridian known as Fleur de Nuit?? Well, she does the most amazing posts for her blog, crafting text and pictures so very artistically. And that text is deeply sensual, regarding her sexuality and her wonderful, steamy relationship with an older gent known (far and wide) as "Papi."

She has a section of her blog devoted to delicious photos she's plucked from all over the Net, using skills I can't imagine EVER acquiring, myself. (Heck, the recent change in format over at Flickr totally freaked me out -- before I figured out that it was even easier than before the change. Don't get me started about giving up on a Droid and changing it for a familiar-feeling new BlackBerry!)

Anyhow, I just saw the most scrumptuous shot of a nude brunette with her breasts cupped in the hands of a dazzling blonde. Go see it --

Amusingly, Fleur had written about liking being a brunette herself, so she evidently fantasizes being the cup-ee rather than the cupper. So I guess I get to be the blonde (who, frankly, looks better than I EVER have, on my best day!).

breasts, brunette, lesbians, blonde

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