, originally uploaded by
tanguero (BLOCK, rinse, repeat).
"Tangolarina" is the nickname of a luscious girl whom I first glimpsed when she put up a set of her Muses. I posted her amazing shot combining 25 photos by her Muses. It's from last March --
http://devifemme.livejournal.com/827263.html Among her Muses were several guys, each of whom did brilliant works with an intense focus on femmie sexuality -- including her occasional dance partner, "tanguero" (actually Demetrius Gonzalez).
Well, I've kept track of both him and her -- but was delighted a few days ago to see he had put up an utterly gorgeous nude set of her on his Flickr. Here's one delicious shot of "Tango" snuggling into the shrubbery....
BTW She has her own Flickr, with her self-portraits and other delicacies. Do check it out --
http://www.flickr.com/photos/wispra/ PW 39 (she has the most sensual smile -- "beguiling" is the best word for it)