Petite sorcière du livre d'émois

Jul 11, 2010 16:49

Petite sorcière du livre d'émois, originally uploaded by ♥Ma Sorcière.
(Which I believe translates as "Little sorceress of the Book of Troubles," although livre can also be "free" -- so it could perhaps be "free of troubles," and I would certainly wish her that!!)

Great discovery on Flickr! "My sorceress" is a Parisian woman named Helene. She used to be elsewhere on Flickr -- and seems to have left her old site up (since her older photos I showed you gentle readers last year seem to still be up* on my old postings).

Anyway, it's soooo nice to be back in touch, chere Helene!

PW 34 (kinda erotic, all fuzzy/dreamy, and a deliciously mysterious woman hiding in the special effects -- Photoshop should use this one in their advertising!)

* I've mentioned previously that, when a Flickr member cancels their account (or is cancelled by Flickr for egregious sexiness...heh heh), the photos I've blogged by them instantly disappear from my archives (as from everyplace else connected to Flickr). Always sad to go back into them and see who's gone. (Just yesterday I saw that the deliciously trampy Allison had disappeared. Did she fall -- or was she pushed?!)

helene, allison, sorcery

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