Tango's Muses #13 -- When the student is ready, the teacher will appear

Mar 30, 2010 12:50

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, originally uploaded by RingRingSondi.

You delicious readers are getting FOUR photos today, working my way through Tango's fascinating girlfriends and muses. The particular reason is that Sondi, in this fetching self-portrait, has all her personal photos unbloggable. However, she kindly agreed to open two of them for me, briefly -- so I wanted to get them posted, letting her close them down quickly.

This procedure may strike you casual readers as odd, but it's evolved as part of our blog's approach to what photos we publish. You see, Flickr has come up with clever controls that limit the all-too-widespread theft of people's copyrighted work. In my case, with the member's assistance, I can put up a great shot and it remains as protected as if it were back on Flickr. I see this happen occasionally, losing some precious photos if someone closes their Flickr account (or, perversely, gets thrown out by Flickr!). It's always a sad moment when I'm back in my archives (there's five years' worth of great shooting -- hint, hint!), and I see the tell-tale blank space where once stood a delicious photo.

PW 32 (another fabulous pose -- love the glasses, and the provocative angle of the camera...)

glasses, hawt, sondi, naked

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