"Mecca of bad decisions"

May 20, 2020 12:40


I kinda like Petula Dvokak, local newsie, and today she has a good column about Americans unable to resist rules to stop the pandemic. Seeking to illustrate Americans' passive resistance to what is good for them -- in particular, dangerous behavior at a beach, Ocean City on Maryland's Eastern Shore, which she visited.

There were's lots of unmasked young people. "...And dozens of belly buttons, tongues, nipples and noses were being pierced in the backrooms of (beachside] shops that also sold hookahs and hermit crabs.

"The reopening of Maryland’s oceanside mecca of bad decisions was banging..."

I didn't know the Post style manual accomodated neologisms like "banging"... (She probably wanted the sexier "bangin'" -- but beggars like me can't be choosers.)

"...[A] Marine from Salisbury [a nearby city] who saw combat in Afghanistan got his friends to join him as 'YMCA' blasted [from the boardwalk's PA system] into the ocean air.

“'Dude, they’re all gay, the guys who sing this,' his friend told him. "I don’t think that’s what you mean.'

"Guffaw. Guffaw. Snort laugh. Fist bump."

bed-hopping, annoyed sex partners, barbie lesbians

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