Bill Kristol, former Republican and erstwhile opponent of Trump

May 17, 2020 14:37

It's a little perverse, but I enjoy the neocon Bill Kristol, a frequent talking-head on MSNBC. He's interviewed in this week's Washington Post Magazine:

Republican hypoccracy "really came to a head on impeachment, where we fought hard trying to get Republicans to do the right thing and failed entirely, except for Romney.

"I think that brought home to me,
-- and should have brought home to everyone -- that Republican members of Congress should get ZERO credit for saying things in private that they’re not willing to say in public.

"At least the true believers believe it, right? I mean, is going along REALLY a more admirable stance? Is being a cynical apparatchik BETTER than being a true believer?"

Later in the interview, he was prompted: "It’s astounding for so many people to go along with something they don't believe."

He replied "That’s a good way of putting it: They DON'T believe it. But I think they also don’t believe it’s that damaging. I guess if you had to give a reasonable argument, it wouldn’t be that they believe it or that they’re intimidated even, exactly, but -- and I used to hear this when I talked to these people, which I don’t do much anymore -- 'Come on, Bill, it’s not that bad. He’s a jerk, and he says stupid things, but the system is the system. It’s working adequately.'”

Yes. Bill, we ALL will

ambitions, aroused, afraid no more

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