Nostalgia for the Obamas, especially Michelle

May 02, 2020 18:19

A local columnist named Petula Dvorak pulled on all our heart-strings today. Seems Michelle Obama reached out to a bunch of DC locals with a Robocall -- "a call from Michelle triggers intense emotions here, a reminder of what it felt like when the country's first African-American president moved into [that] white-columned mansion..."

"[While] the current occupant of the White House batters us with his Twitter tantrums and responds to a deadly pandemic by musing about disinfectant injections, the District pines for that pre-Trump period. In a time of crazy uncertainty, even a prerecorded call from the former first lady --urging residents to stay home and giving tips on coronavirus testing -- feels like a comforting whiff of a bygone era..."

"... they are the first presidential family to remain in the city after their term ended since a dying Woodrow Wilson almost 100 years ago.

"So hearing their names during this crisis -- hearing Michelle’s voice on the phone from the Kalorama mansion where her family is quarantined - is powerful..."

You get the idea. IF ONLY...

The piece was published in the local-news section of the Post. I don't know who or how many DC residents (dozens? hundreds?) got the coveted message.

Dvorak doesn't seem to know, either. She just talked to a number of them...a good sign that the column wasn't simply peddled by an Obama family flack!

Can one type with a lump in her throat? It appears so...

sassy, deliciousness, morality, friends, empowered, inspirations, normal, portrait, niceness, rambling thoughts, horror show, history, grace of a woman, obama, news, personal, remarkable story

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