Reuters report midnight Thursday: Trump in deep shit!

Mar 14, 2020 00:03

Just came to bed after a complicated evening, talking to friends and with Joanne, watching the late cable news -- and still trying to shake the awful feelings from Trumpsky's wretched "Oval Office" speech lsst night. As most observers agree, the malevolent ignoramus simply evaded taking responsability for the U.S. being the "worst prepared country in the world" confronting this horror!

Then I opened my cellphone and saw a brand-new Reuters report that suggests things might yet improve :

"...U.S. stock market indexes that Trump has touted throughout his term as evidence of his success plunged into bear market [a loss of at least 20% of Big Board value] territory on Thursday -- a day after he tried to calm Americans’ fears with an Oval Office address that promised economic stimulus and a 30-day travel ban for Europeans.

"...'I'd rather be Joe Biden than Trump right now,' said a Republican official close to the White House. 'A month ago, Trump is looking at Bernie Sanders and a strong economy and rising favorability after impeachment. Coronavirus cannot have a positive impact."..."

NOTE, please, my comment below on what one bold U.S. Congresswoman did today to force the Trump regime to help people get urgently needed coronavirus TESTS!

bold, crisis management, decisive moment, coming out, access, anti-ripoffs, courage, damned

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