Not "just" impeachment...

Nov 03, 2019 14:29

Gary Stein, a former federal prosecutor, writes in today's Post that there are more serious criminal charges pending against Trumpsky and his dastardly minions. Specifically, the widely misunderstood Hatch Act of 1939 --enacted by Repubs fighting the Roosevelt Administration -- was designed to protect Federal employees from being forced to support political parties, generally seen as a misdemeanor.

However, it has a number of prohibitions that are punishable as felonies. If Trumpsky or his key officials (including Rudy Giuliani) "commanded, coerced or intimidated" State Department officers -- "or attempted to do so" (i.e., no quid pro quo!) -- that action falls under the criminal (felony) provisions (Sec.610).

There is a separate provision (Sec. 600) -- "part of the original Hatch Act" (which had been amended by Congress in the wake of Nixon) -- "when corrupt public oficials use government-funded jobs or programs to advance a partisan political agenda..."

We're deep in the lawyering weeds here, but Stein obviously knows the Act inside-out. A prosecution seems indicated.
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