Oct 23, 2019 13:21
This was yesterday's Post headline, reflecting the Hill testimony by the U.S. charge d'affaires in Ukraine, Bill Taylor. The Congressional committee investigating Trumpsky's duplicitous actions there found Taylor's well-chosen words helpful in making a strong case to impeach "The Don." (That nickname really says a lot about his egregious behavior since taking office -- as, indeed, "taking" in this context explicitly reveals his Mafia-like approach to his role.)
"Duplicitous" is the right word: Trumpsky is betraying his country AND our friends abroad. His nefarious Ukraine "policy" is by NO means a carefully considered government-wide response to an issue -- HE responds according to his whims (and, more darkly, to his ties to Putin). He perversely relies on his "attorney" (in fact, a Matia-style consigliere) Rudy Giuliani to force Ukraine to do his private political bidding.
Impeach the bastard before it is too late! (And, the more we learn about him, the clearer it is that the 2020 election could be "too late.")
politics strange bedfellows